Alumni & Volunteer Corporation

Alex Olear

Grant Pignatiello

Josh Hodnichak

Andrew Pozzuto

Christopher Prall

Bill Rallya

Bradley Pulfer

Chapter Counselor
Alex Olear
The chapter counselor is responsible for coordinating volunteer support to mentor members of the undergraduate chapter. They provide the continuity necessary to ensure long-term chapter success. As an appointee of the district governor, the chapter counselor is also charged with upholding the Fraternity’s Grand Chapter Bylaws and Administrative Policies and Procedures. He works directly with the chapter Executive Board to assist in chapter operations.

Balanced Man Steward
Grant Pignatiello
The balanced man stewards educate and assist the vice president of member development and his committee as they operate the Balanced Man Program. Additionally, they help chapter leaders continuously improve the programming opportunities available to members to ensure the Balanced Man Program instills purpose and perspective members can rely on for the rest of their lives.

AVC Member at Large
Christopher Prall
The AVC Member at Large serves as the primary liaison between the Alumni and Volunteer Corporation and the rest of the Ohio Sigma alumni.

AVC Secretary
Bradley Pulfer
The AVC Secretary is responsible for keeping the official records of the AVC and chapter alumni.